What is Mundane Joy?

Mundane Joys is more than a newsletter. It’s a creative space dedicated to serving and inspiring folks who want to slow down, simplify, and add more “mundane” joys into their lives.

What does Mundane Joy cover?

You could categorize this as a slow-living lifestyle blog of sorts if you really wanted to put a label on it. I’ll be sharing things like recipe posts, musings on living in our modern society with chronic illness and ADHD, home design projects and DIYs, book re-caps and reviews, photo and video diaries, and more.

This is a space to not only keep you updated on my life without the noise of constant ads social media blasts in your face, but to have discussions on topics, provide lifestyle habits that may benefit you, and much more. My goal with this is to truly foster a non-judgmental community that engages with and supports each other.

If that sounds good to you then consider subscribing below.

Why the paywall?

To put it bluntly, quality content takes time and folks who are happy to invest in it. There will always be free content on here that people can enjoy. However, I wanted to give those who genuinely support me the ability to get more from me. Ultimately I decided I’d rather make quality content for 20 people who genuinely support, care, and engage with me vs the thousands who ignore everything other than a selfie.

You get quality content with a promise of no paid advertising. I ditched sponsorships years ago when I realized how yucky and fake I felt taking them on.

Free Content vs Paid Content

As I said, there will of course be payment-free content on here as well. After all, this is a place to keep you updated on what’s going on in my life as well as providing value.

Free Content
  • Monthly Updates: A quick check in on what’s been going on in my life the past month and what is planned for the month coming.

  • Photo Dumps: Photo dumps could be from my phone camera roll, film photos, or digital photography. To see full sets you’ll want to subscribe to a paid tier.

Paid Content
  • The ability to comment and truly be a part of a community of like-minded individuals who are all trying to live their best lives.

  • Three monthly posts on varying topics ranging from recipes, hits and shits, book reviews, slow living musings, ADHD and chronic illness hacks, home design and more.

  • Subscriber only videos and livestreams.

  • Monthly spotify playlists.

Why subscribe?

Whether you’re utilizing a free subscription or you’re a paid subscriber you’re helping to support me, my creations, and this community. If you find value in my free offerings then consider becoming a paid subscriber to help support the creation of even more content.

Overall it’s up to you to decide. I’m just grateful you took the time to check my page out and be here.

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Hey there, I'm Roo, and welcome to Mundane Joys. Mundane Joys is a weekly newsletter sharing slow living, food, and lifestyle posts with the goal of creating a community of like-minded individuals who want to simplify, slow down, and enjoy life more.


Hey there and welcome! I'm Roo and this is my substack dedicated to photo dumps, recipes, slow living, home projects, monthly hits and shits and more!